That last edition of 2024 is now on tape, edition 0.5 – KBIT 95.7.
This one has some nice music from HeyCitizen from his LoFi beats and his The HeyCitizen Experience album. The whole issue is set in a kind of tuning-in-FM-radio-stations kinda vibe.
The book being reviewed by Josh S. Thompson is called The Radio Phonics Laboratory by Justin Patrick Moore. I highly recommend it especially if you are into electronic music.

Lastly, these tapes come with a FM radio kit which I kinda go through on "The Joy of Soldering" with Bob Josh. I say kinda because there really isn't a linear way to go about it, but I give you some tips along the way.

You can listen to the podcast here, or wherever you get your podcasts. But, you should get a new podcast app that supports at least chapters to take full advantage of the digital version. Check them out here.
The poem can also be read on my substack page with the digital audio version.